Child Development


From September 2018, 25 schools across England will be trialling a new set of goals for four and five year olds. These will set out where children will be expected to progress to in language and vocabulary, as well as maths and literacy. These new Early Learning Goals have been designed in an effort to...
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Are you aware of the Characteristics of Effective Learning and what they mean for practitioners? They are a key element of the EYFS and guide how children should learn from their activities, experiences and environment. The fundamental principle is around how the individual child is learning, rather than what they are learning. Practitioners should be...
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Autism is a serious issue in the current society. Children with this disorder face a great lot of problems and that is why it is important to have a proper treatment for the same. The main issue in this regard is that the disorder does not have any specific treatments at all. There are numerous...
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